Fire Door Service
Fire door service for healthcare facilities. Are your fire doors compliant and documented? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) adoption of the 2012 edition of NFPA 101: Life Safety Code requires that healthcare facility operators conduct a yearly inspection of fire door and smoke barrier door alike in accordance with NFPA 80 section states that all fire assemblies must be inspected and tested annually in healthcare occupancies. The compliance deadline has been pushed back from July 6,2017 to January 1,2018.
To help ensure your facility is prepared for CMS audits, Florida Fire Door Inspection are expert and certified to show you how and when you need to comply with NFPA 80 rules. Fire doors assemblies and smoke door barrier doors will need to be inspected and tested annually with the documentation to support it. However, all other doors should be on a regular maintenance schedule to ensure that each one is working properly. They will be spot-checked when the joint commission comes in to survey your facility and if there are doors that are not working properly like holes, breaks in doors or frames, and field modification…. It will be deficiencies and any related deficiencies to annually fire door inspection should be cited under k211-Means of Egress General.